So, some of you probably wanted to try out this DESMOND code from DESRES. It’s shipped with the Maestro suite by Schrodinger, which is free for academics and a little annoying to use if you wanna just use the binary.

This tutorial essentially describes how to run DESMOND without any of the annoying wrappers shipped by Schrodinger. It’s making the code possible to run in a sane fashion - similar to how you launch your any other MD codes on the cluster. We’ll cover both the CPU DESMOND and the GPU GDESMOND.

Required package can be downloaded from


The ‘Desmond-’ is just the source code and some sample systems - we won’t be compiling that just gonna use the sample system to see if the code runs.

Install ‘Desmond_Maestro_2016.3.tar’ following their instructions.

Here is an example module file, to accompany the installation:

## pymol Modulefile 
proc ModulesHelp { } { 
    global version 
    puts stderr "\tAdds 64-bit schrodinger to your environment." 
    puts stderr "\tDirectory: $root" 

module-whatis "adds schrodinger to your environment"

# for Tcl script use only
set version 2016-3  
set root /sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/  

setenv SCHRODINGER $root 
setenv SCHROD_LICENSE_FILE /data/domanski/workspace/desmond/Desmond_Maestro_2016.3/license.lic 

prepend-path PATH $root

Then the standard:

module purge; module add my.modules; module add schrodinger/2016-3/64 
$ desmond -v Desmond-v%DESMOND_VERSION%

Okay so this works but ‘desmond’ is not actually the desmond binary, it’s some python wrapper that then calls another wrapper that then calls the desmond binary.

$SCHRODINGER/desmond # python wrapper 
$SCHRODINGER/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond # actual binary

We wanna use the desmond binary directly without all the crap. Let’s start by understanding what the wrapper runs and what’s the env it uses : edit $SCHRODINGER/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/ and add some print statements

def fork(self, is_backend, args):
    logging.debug("launch command:\n %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(args))
        print("args=", args)
        for env in os.environ: print("export {}='{}'".format(env, os.environ[env]))
        self.process = subprocess.Popen(args)

Then let’s run desmond again to understand what’s going on:

cd Desmond-
desmond -LOCAL -DEBUG -WAIT -HOST localhost:4 -c ./share/samples/dhfr.cfg -in ./share/samples/dhfr.cms

Some output should appear that looks like this

name:            localhost 
host:            localhost 
processors:      1 
processors_per_node: 1 
schrodinger:     /sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3 
tmpdir:          /tmp 
161001-13:57:10 [Use local *_EXEC values for local jobs] 
161001-13:57:10 Job will be launched on local host allkir 
161001-13:57:10 Job will NOT use jserver 
161001-13:57:10 Job will NOT use jproxy 
161001-13:57:10 [Multiple hosts specified on command line.] 
161001-13:57:10 Writing nodefile /sansom/s103/domanski/.schrodinger/.jobdb2/files/allkir-57efb/allkir-0-57efb2a6.nodes 
161001-13:57:10   localhost x 4 
161001-13:57:10 Wrote job record for job allkir-0-57efb2a6 to database 
161001-13:57:10 Writing local copy of job record for job allkir-0-57efb2a6 
161001-13:57:10 open2: perl "/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/mmshare-v3.5/bin/Linux-x86_64/" 
161001-13:57:10 [jmonitor output saved in /sansom/s103/domanski/.schrodinger/.jobdb2/files/allkir-57efb/allkir-0-57efb2a6.jlog] 
161001-13:57:10 jmonitor OUT: unix, perlio, utf8 
161001-13:57:10 [initial job record is in /sansom/s103/domanski/.schrodinger/.jobdb2/files/allkir-57efb/allkir-0-57efb2a6.copy ] 
161001-13:57:10 jmonitor IN: unix, perlio, utf8 
161001-13:57:10 Waiting for jmonitor PID+host+port 
161001-13:57:10 jmonitor pid = 9521 
161001-13:57:10 jmonitor host = allkir, port = 43154 
161001-13:57:10 Launched jmonitor in child 9520 JobId: allkir-0-57efb2a6 
161001-13:57:10 Jlaunch parent successful

Checkout dhfr.log file, it should contain a line like this (note also the lines printing all the ENV variables)

('args=',  ['/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3//mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/orterun',  '-hostfile', '/sansom/s103/domanski/.schrodinger/.jobdb2/files/allkir-57ee8/allkir-0-57ee82c9.nodes',  '-np', '4',  '--prefix', '/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3//mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi',  '-x', 'JOBNAME', '-x', 'SCHRODINGER', '-x', 'DESMOND_EXEC',  '-x', 'MMSHARE_EXEC', '-x', 'DESMOND_PLUGIN_PATH', '-x', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH',  '-x', 'PATH', '-x', 'OPLS_DIR', '-x', 'DESMOND_PLUGIN_PATH',  '-x', 'OPAL_PREFIX', '-x', 'LD_RUN_PATH', '-x', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '-x', 'LDFLAGS',  '/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond',  '--destrier', 'mpi',  '--include', 'dhfr-out.cfg'])

Cool so there is some magical ‘orterun’ that’s acting as ‘mpirun’ and calling desmond. Easy, let’s try to run that

$SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/orterun -V 
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Well that sucks, let’s setup the environment a bit more carefully:

export LD_RUN_PATH='/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/lib/openmpi:/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/lib'  
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/mmshare-v3.

$ $SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/orterun -V  
Sorry!  You were supposed to get help about:     
orterun:usage But I couldn't open the help file:     
/software/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi-1.6.5-build3/share/openmpi/help-orterun.txt: No such file or directory.  

Still crap but better, final change to the env:

export OPAL_PREFIX='/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi'  
$SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/orterun -V

orterun (OpenRTE) 1.6.5  
Report bugs to

Awesome, or at least “good enough for government work”…

All those hacky export statements we’ll get clean-up later, let’s punch through this thing first. It should now be possible to call the desmond directly

$SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 1 \ 
$SCHRODINGER/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond -h
Bad flag: -h Usage:     
/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond [--tpp x] [--destrier y] [Arg options]     
/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond [--tpp x] [--destrier y] --restore checkpoint_file [Arg options] is any combination of --include config_file and --cfg options Other options allowed are: --tpp x: x threads per processor --destrier y: use the y message passing method --python s: launch python interpreter and eval(s) 
mpirun noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process that caused that situation. 

Sweet, this looks like it’s working, let’s try and run the example system directly.

$SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 8 $SCHRODINGER/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond --destrier mpi --include ./share/samples/dhfr.cfg --cfg boot.file=./share/samples/dhfr.dms --cfg

Selected destrier 'mpi' not found (options: serial)! @other/destrier/base/destrier/destrier.cxx:56 in (unknown)

Nope still not working, lastly let’s add all the bits together

export DESMOND_PLUGIN_PATH='/sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3/desmond-v4.7/lib/Linux-x86_64/plugin'

And voila!

$SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 8 $SCHRODINGER/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64/desmond --destrier mpi --include ./share/samples/dhfr.cfg --cfg boot.file=./share/samples/dhfr.dms --cfg
DESMOND Build: Aug 30 2016 19:34:53                
precision:   single 

platform: Linux 4.4.0-38-generic (#57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:42:33 UTC 2016) 
user: 9838:domanski:Jan Domanski 
start time: Sat Oct  1 14:09:51 2016 
working directory: /data/domanski/workspace/desmond/Desmond- 
boot timestamp (@B in file names): 20161001140951 
number of processes: 8 
threads per process: 1 (0 background) 
destrier: mpi 
Starting mdsim 
[0] user has set estimated particle density (est_pdens) to 0.1. 
[0] Setting global cell to     
/ 6.2230000e+01 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 \     
| 0.0000000e+00 6.2230000e+01 0.0000000e+00 |     
\ 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 6.2230000e+01 / 
[0] Partition of the cell by processes (global_cell.partition) =  [2 2 2] 
[0] Creating home box 
[0] Creating particle array 
[0] Injected 23558 particles 
[0] Constraint terms: 
Will not use reshake in the constraints 
[0] 458 constraint_ah1 
Will not use reshake in the constraints 
[0] 233 constraint_ah2 
Will not use reshake in the constraints 
[0] 99 constraint_ah3 
Will not use reshake in the constraints 
[0] 7023 constraint_hoh constraints 
[0] Bonded terms: 
[0] 4561 harmonic angle terms 
[0] 5327 dihedral terms (skipped 1374) 
[0] 408 harmonic improper terms (skipped 10) 
[0] 6556 pair terms 
[0] 3419 harmonic stretch terms 
[0] NOTE: user has set the n_zone for this Nonbonded instance to 1024. 
[0] 34709 full exclusions 
35 VdW types with 2 coefficients 
Using average_dispersion = 82.7907 
[0] integrator selected: V_NVE 
Title: 5dhfr production parameters 
Starting chemical time (ps): 0.000 
opened output file: /data/domanski/workspace/desmond/Desmond- 
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: started ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 
Chemical time: 0.0000 ps, Step: 0 
Chemical time: 0.0400 ps, Step: 8, ns/day: 15.53594 
Chemical time: 0.0800 ps, Step: 16, ns/day: 15.88710 
Chemical time: 0.1200 ps, Step: 24, ns/day: 16.07763 
Chemical time: 0.1600 ps, Step: 32, ns/day: 15.93220 
Chemical time: 0.2000 ps, Step: 40, ns/day: 15.94156 
Chemical time: 0.2400 ps, Step: 48, ns/day: 15.95377 
Chemical time: 0.2800 ps, Step: 56, ns/day: 15.88497 
Chemical time: 0.3200 ps, Step: 64, ns/day: 16.02091 
Chemical time: 0.3600 ps, Step: 72, ns/day: 15.92259 
Chemical time: 0.4000 ps, Step: 80, ns/day: 15.95356

Now that was not easy… next up how to cleanup the modules file to re-use this more systematically and gdesmond.

Cleanup and gdesmond

Let’s cleanup all those ugly exports we’ve done into a nice module file

## pymol Modulefile 
proc ModulesHelp { } { 
    global version 
    puts stderr "\tAdds 64-bit schrodinger to your environment." 
    puts stderr "\tDirectory: $root" 

module-whatis "adds schrodinger to your environment"

# for Tcl script use only
set version 2016-3  
set root /sansom/s103/domanski/privateopt/Linux_x86_64/schrodinger/schrodinger2016-3  

setenv SCHRODINGER $root 
setenv SCHROD_LICENSE_FILE /data/domanski/workspace/desmond/Desmond_Maestro_2016.3/license.lic 

setenv DESMOND_PLUGIN_PATH $root/desmond-v4.7/lib/Linux-x86_64/plugin 
setenv OPAL_PREFIX $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi 

prepend-path PATH $root/desmond-v4.7/bin/Linux-x86_64 
prepend-path PATH $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/bin 

prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/lib 
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64 
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages 
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/desmond-v4.7/lib/Linux-x86_64 

prepend-path LD_RUN_PATH $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/lib/openmpi 
prepend-path LD_RUN_PATH $root/mmshare-v3.5/lib/Linux-x86_64/openmpi/lib

This now finally looks and works like a reasonable way to launch an MD code…

module purge; module add my.modules; module add schrodinger/2016-3/desmond-64  
mpirun -np 8 desmond --destrier mpi  --include ./share/samples/dhfr.cfg --cfg boot.file=./share/samples/dhfr.dms --cfg

In the modules files, switch up the plugins directory to the gdesmond-specific

setenv DESMOND_PLUGIN_PATH $root/desmond-v4.7/lib/Linux-x86_64/plugin


setenv DESMOND_PLUGIN_PATH $root/desmond-v4.7/lib/Linux-x86_64/plugin_gpu

And now, time to edit the dhfr.cfg:

# Replace 
near = {   
  type = force-only   
  r_tap = 9.0   
  taper = none 
far = {   
  type = pme   
  order = [4 4 4]   
  n_k = [64 64 64]   
  transform = r2c-3round 

# With 
far = {    
  n_k = [48 48 48 ]    
  order = [4 4 4 ]    
  r_spread = 4.0    
  sigma_s = 0.85    
  type = "pme" 
near = {    
  r_tap = 9.0    
  taper = "none"    
  type = "default" 

# And replace 
integrator = {   
  type = V_NVE    
  dt = 0.0025        
  respa = {      
    near_timesteps = 1     
    far_timesteps = 2     
    outer_timesteps = 2   
  V_NVE = {}  

# With 
integrator = {   
  type = Multigrator    
  dt = 0.0025        
  respa = {      
    near_timesteps = 1     
    far_timesteps = 2     
    outer_timesteps = 2   
  Multigrator = { nve.type = Verlet } 

Then run the gdesmond with

module add schrodinger/2016-3/gdesmond-64  
mpirun -np 1 gdesmond --include ./share/samples/dhfr-gpu.cfg --cfg boot.file=./share/samples/dhfr.dms  --gpu-verbose
Bonded terms:    
injecting group angle_harm with 4561 elements   
injecting group dihedral_trig with 5327 elements   
injecting group improper_harm with 408 elements   
injecting group pair_12_6_es with 6556 elements   
injecting group stretch_harm with 3419 elements 
Exclusion distance before optimization: 26 
Exclusion distance after optimization: 30 
Reverting to original exclusion mapping. 
Inserted 128b vector exclusion clusters. 
Virtual terms:  none   
injecting group exclusion with 69418 elements 
Using nonbonded.average_dispersion = 82.7907 
Constraint terms:   
[FUSED] Overriding constraint parameters with force.constraint.maxit=32 force.constraint.tol=1.000000e-08   
injecting group constraint_hoh with 7023 elements   
injecting group constraint_ah1 with 458 elements   
injecting group constraint_ah2 with 233 elements   
injecting group constraint_ah3 with 99 elements 
Title: 5dhfr production parameters 
Starting chemical time (ps): 0.000 
opened output file: /data/domanski/workspace/desmond/Desmond- 
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: started ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 
Chemical time: 0.0000 ps, Step: 0 
Chemical time: 0.0400 ps, Step: 8, ns/day: 180.638 
Chemical time: 0.0800 ps, Step: 16, ns/day: 200.430 
Chemical time: 0.1200 ps, Step: 24, ns/day: 199.919 
Chemical time: 0.1600 ps, Step: 32, ns/day: 200.569 
Chemical time: 0.2000 ps, Step: 40, ns/day: 199.941 
Chemical time: 0.2400 ps, Step: 48, ns/day: 199.517 
Chemical time: 0.2800 ps, Step: 56, ns/day: 191.658 
Chemical time: 0.3200 ps, Step: 64, ns/day: 198.552 
Chemical time: 0.3600 ps, Step: 72, ns/day: 199.298 
Chemical time: 0.4000 ps, Step: 80, ns/day: 200.905 
Chemical time: 0.4400 ps, Step: 88, ns/day: 198.506 
Chemical time: 0.4800 ps, Step: 96, ns/day: 198.827 
Chemical time: 0.5200 ps, Step: 104, ns/day: 199.619 
Chemical time: 0.5600 ps, Step: 112, ns/day: 201.165 
Chemical time: 0.6000 ps, Step: 120, ns/day: 219.483 
Chemical time: 0.6400 ps, Step: 128, ns/day: 220.760 
Chemical time: 0.6800 ps, Step: 136, ns/day: 220.016 
Chemical time: 0.7200 ps, Step: 144, ns/day: 218.322 
Chemical time: 0.7600 ps, Step: 152, ns/day: 219.483 
writing checkpoint at 0.800000 to 'checkpt' 
Chemical time: 0.8000 ps, Step: 160, ns/day: 25.430 
Chemical time: 0.8400 ps, Step: 168, ns/day: 214.380 
Chemical time: 0.8800 ps, Step: 176, ns/day: 221.752 
Chemical time: 0.9200 ps, Step: 184, ns/day: 217.605 
Chemical time: 0.9600 ps, Step: 192, ns/day: 217.879 
Chemical time: 1.0000 ps, Step: 200, ns/day: 217.974 
Total rate per step: 158.972 ns/day  
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: finished :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  
stop time: Sat Oct  1 23:38:28 2016 (normal exit)

Considerably faster!

U-Series to replace PME

Lastly, we’re going to pickup useries.cfg from the technical report supplementary information available on their website

At the bottom there is a link to supplemental information, which contains a config for a “new” feature called U-series that’s a replacement for PME in calculating long-range electrostatics. It results in 50% speedup for DHFR, as shown below

Starting chemical time (ps): 0.000 
opened output file: /data/domanski/workspace/desmond/Desmond- 
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: started ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 
Chemical time: 0.0000 ps, Step: 0 
Chemical time: 2.5000 ps, Step: 125, ns/day: 307.955 
Chemical time: 5.0000 ps, Step: 250, ns/day: 332.216 
Chemical time: