Which companies it makes sense to work for
Christmas Special
European Winter Schedule
In Support of Tests Coverage
Lessons learned refactoring Pulumi programs
Deploying a Create React App to AWS with Pulumi (part III)
Deploying a Create React App to AWS with Pulumi (part II)
Deploying a Create React App to AWS with Pulumi
Rescuing a decade old scientfic database
Escape from the Blogger Alcatraz
Look who's back
Cool pandas hack - get random rows in a multi-column dataframe
Example slurm cluster on your laptop (multiple VMs via vagrant)
Making DESMOND easier to run on a cluster
What was that password again?
Benchmarking GROMACS – 2 Quick Questions
Pharma, You're Not a Good Place to Go
VNC Connect from Mac OSX El Capitan to Ubuntu Linux
Testing Modern Symfony Apps
Gromacs 5.x on TITAN Cray machine
Symfony cumulative ACL isGranted
Force-field parametrization, multiple birds with multiple stones – with REST2
Modeller - quick start, filling loops in the DUDE protein receptor structures
React/Redux first contact - it's not that different at all, a pocket guide for ex-PHP dev
M(e)LT build for SC2
gromacs and plumed2 with intel compilers
Native contact (Q) biasing in GROMACS and plumed2
Scripting access
Feeling the burn: DPPC lipid CHARMM36 with gromacs
Publication-quality matplotlib figures
Merge force-fields in gromacs
Using gdb with gromacs
Gromacs games
React.js -- edit and delete comments in CommentBox
Compile plumed 2 with gromacs 4.6 on ubuntu 14.04
gromacs 5.0 - first look
Performance of a popular docking code
SDF to Excel file, in an automated fashion
Measuring the performance of ligand-based methods
Adding a simple cuda library to RDKit
ROCS-like shape overlap in rdkit
Conformer generation
Make a molecule dissapear in gromacs
High-frequency lunch booking
Acetylated lysine and negatively charged cysteine for CHARMM protein force-field
Measuring docking code performance
Deposit Silicos-it Shape-it as an Ubuntu 12.04 package in a personal PPA
Build Desmond- on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
Wrapping openbabel in python - using cython
Wrapping openbabel in python - accessing C++ via boost with
Silicos shape-it as a free alternative to OpenEye ROCS?
Benchmarking molecular fingerprints
Do the quarterly results add up to the yearly ones -- sanity check for WIG20
How close are the quaterly reported results to the yearly ones (for KGHM)
Pushing with python analysis of WIG
Python analysis of WIG
Electorostatics artifacs in water simulations
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